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01/Sep/2002 -- Dreamstars 2 is on the main games page!

Well fist I'd like to wish my Dad a very happy fathers day. I was thinking of you see! :)

The new versions of Dreamstars continue to be a big success with DS getting a premier listing on for it's merits alone.

Plus all the people that have bought the expanded version 3 seem extremely pleased with all the amazing new features it includes!

05/Aug/2002 -- Dreamstars 2 and Dreamstars 3 Released!

After resorting to do some of the art myself I'm very very happy to announce that Dreamstars has finally been released. Big thanks to all the people that helped me and encouraged me in the process of completing this, my first commercial quality game.

29/Jul/2002 -- Dreamstars 2/3 on Schedule for Release in August

I've finished coding all the features and the interface for Dreamstars 2/3. Now I'm just waiting for some extra artwork and need to add some minor updates and I will be ready for release.

19/Jul/2002 -- Dreamstars 2/3 Feature List

Wow with the new interface almost complete and new music and graphics on the way Dreamstars versions 2 and 3 are coming closer and closer to that elusive state of completion! If your as excited as I am about the new version then you'll be pleased to know I've already added a whole bunch of cool features. These include:

  • New components! There is a heap of new components that will be available in V3. These include seeking missiles that will home in on your enemies and blow them to pieces, EM bombs designed to cripple those really nasty large turents so you can safely move in and take them out. At high levels you will also get awesome shields and self repair systems to make your defenses even tougher to penetrate.

  • New 2 Player cooperative mode. That's right now you can play dreamstars with your friends.!

  • Enemy scripting. Do you find the default enemies to hard or too easy or just get bored blowing up the same enemy types over and over again? Well now you can script your own enemies. You can set behaviors and properties as well as adding your own blueprint of components and even creating your own graphics to go with your new enemy drone. Then you can play Dreamstars and laugh as you blow your custom enemy to itty bitty pieces :)

  • Friendly drones. When the going gets tough don't run away, just call in a friendly drone to help you defeat the enemy hoards.

  • Keyboard configuration. Did you get annoyed with Dreamstars 1.11 and my key choices for weapons keys? Don't worry in V2 and 3 you will be able to map which ever keys you like to any weapon or nav control.