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Buy Dreamstars today for only $8 US and receive all the benefit listed below.

You can buy Dreamstars with total securitly through DigitalCandle, a large Internet company that specialize in order processing. They take many forms of credit cards as well offering alternative methods of payment.

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Dreamstars 3 Benefits

  • Free updates: As future versions of Dreamstars are created you will get free updates. Currently Dreamstars 3 is really just an expansion pack for Dreamstars 2 and so is reasonably priced. However there is already a Dreamstars 3 gold edition under development that is planning on expanding Dreamstars beyond it's current fixed screen model and introducing many new and exciting additional game play elements. The gold edition will cost significantly more so buy Dreamstars 3 now and to beat the price rise.
  • Multi Player: Have fun with your friends playing Dreamstars with two players at the same time.
  • Trainer Mode: Dreamstars 3 has a cheat mode that makes it much easier to reach those really intense levels.
  • New weapons: Dreamstars 3 gives you two new and exciting weapons to play with. Use your homing missiles to safely destroy your enemies at a distance or cripple them with devastating EM bombs.
  • Friendly Drones: On each boss level (and on every level in trainer mode) you are given a friendly drone by your strange allies. These guys will help you destroy the enemy waves but you need to look after them if you want to use them in future levels.
  • Scripting: Use a powerful scripting engine to modify the behavior of every object in Dreamstars even your own ship can be modified. Dreamstars 3 scripting allows you to create your ideal asteroids game.
  • And more... New enemy types, Different ship hulls to choose from and additional defensive components.
  • Ship desgin in trainer mode

    Two players and drone